Archivos de Cardiología de México
Ignacio Chávez†Ignacio Chávez† Editor Fundador
Alfonso Buendía Hernández (INC, CDMX,México) Editor en jefe.
Solange Gabriela Koretzky (INC, CDMX,México) Editora Ejecutiva.
Cecilia Zazueta Mendizábal (INC, CDMX,México) Coeditora.
Juan Verdejo París (INC, CDMX,México) Coeditor
Carlos Jerjes Sánchez (Hosp. Zambrano Hellion, NL, México) Coeditor.
Antecedentes: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa mundial de mortalidad y México no es la excepción.Antecedentes: Las enfermedades cardiovasculares son la principal causa mundial de mortalidad y México no es la excepción.Los datos epidemiológicos obtenidos en 1990 mostraron que los padecimientos cardiovasculares representaron el 19.8% detodas las causas de muerte en nuestro país; esta cifra se incrementó de manera significativa a un 25.5% para 2015. Diversasencuestas nacionales sugieren que más del 60% de la población adulta tiene al menos un factor de riesgo para padecerenfermedades cardiovasculares (obesidad o sobrepeso, hipertensión, tabaquismo, diabetes, dislipidemias). Por otro lado,datos de la Organización Panamericana de la Salud han relacionado el proceso de aterosclerosis como la primer causa demuerte prematura, reduciendo la expectativa de vida de manera sensible, lo que tiene una enorme repercusión social.
This document constitutes the Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) prepared at the initiative of the Mexican Society ofThis document constitutes the Clinical Practice Guide (CPG) prepared at the initiative of the Mexican Society ofCardiology in collaboration with the Mexican Society of Nutrition and Endocrinology, AC, National Association of Cardiologistsof Mexico, AC, Mexican Association for the Prevention of Atherosclerosis and its Complications, AC, National NormativeCommittee of General Medicine, AC, National College of Geriatric Medicine, AC, College of Internal Medicine of Mexico, AC,Mexican Society of Angiology and Vascular and Endovenous Surgery, AC, Mexican Institute of Research Nephrological, ACand the Mexican Academy of Neurology, A.C.; with the methodological support of the Ibero-American Agency for the Developmentand Evaluation of Health Technologies, in order to establish recommendations based on the best available evidenceand agreed upon by an interdisciplinary group of experts. The objective of this document is to provide evidence-based recommendationsto help decision makers in the diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidemias in our country.
Material and methods
ThisThisdocument complies with international quality standards, such as those described by the Institute of Medicine of the USA, theInstitute of Clinical Excellence of Great Britain, the Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network and the Guidelines International Network. A multidisciplinary group of clinical experts and methodologists with experience in systematic reviews of the literatureNetwork. A multidisciplinary group of clinical experts and methodologists with experience in systematic reviews of the literatureand the development of clinical practice guidelines was formed. A scope document was agreed upon, relevant clinicalquestions were established, the best available evidence critically evaluated in systematic literature reviews was exhaustivelyidentified, and clinical recommendations were developed. The modified Delphi Panel methodology was used to achieve anadequate level of consensus in each of the recommendations contained in this CP.